Company Policies

Share Allocation & Trading Policy
Provided that the proper processes are followed, and the required approvals are obtained, trading of water between farmers within the scheme is encouraged by OWL, to facilitate more efficient use of the resource.
The policy:

  • classifies the Opuha scheme into eleven discrete scheme areas based on the individual non-augmented tributaries, hydrological features, and sub-schemes;
  • clearly defines the conditions that must be met for the transfer and licensing of shares within and between the scheme areas, these factors being Allocation, Consents & Compliance and Infrastructure;
  • covers the trading of all OWL share classes and covers a number of trading scenarios.

adobe-pdf-logoShare Allocation and Trading Policy

Water Management – On Farm Storage
This policy describes the conditions that apply when individual shareholders/irrigators wish to develop water storage facilities on their farm for storage of water supplied by Opuha Water Limited (OWL).

adobe-pdf-logoWater Management Policy – On Farm Storage

adobe-pdf-logoOWL Water Storage Pond Approval Form.v1

Water Management – Water Metering and Telemetry
This policy describes the requirements for water meters to be fitted to all irrigation water takes above 5  l/s on the Opuha scheme.  The policy provides for Opuha Water Limited (OWL) to have timely access to water meter data for operational and water accounting purposes.
adobe-pdf-logoWater Management Policy – Water Metering

Water Management – Water Restrictions – Non-Augmented Tributary Irrigators
This policy describes the policy for company imposed restrictions on use of water for irrigation during dry seasons when catchment and lake storage conditions are critically low.
adobe-pdf-logoWater Management Policy – Water Restrictions Non-Augmented Tributary Irrigators

Environmental Management – FEP & Auditing Fee – Fee Charging Model
This policy specifies the charging regime associated with the preparation and administration of the OWL Farm Environment Plans and associated work streams including Farm Management Plans and Audits by external parties.adobe-pdf-logoEnvironmental Management Policy – FEP and Audit Fee Charging (Aug 2023)

Environmental Management – FEP Auditing – Non-Compliant Audits
This policy specifies the approach Opuha Water Limited (OWL) will take in addressing non-compliant Audits of OWL shareholder and water users Farm Environment Plans (FEPs).  The purpose of the policy is to ensure consistency of action taken by OWL in response to non-compliant Audits.
adobe-pdf-logoEnvironmental Management Policy – Non-Compliant Audit (Aug 2023)

Environmental Management – Poor On-Farm Environmental Performance
This policy outlines the process for consistently resolving incidents and complaints of poor on-farm environmental performance by shareholders and water users.
adobe-pdf-logoEnvironmental Management Policy – Poor On-farm Env Performance (Aug 2023)

Policy Documents
These policies outline the conditions entered into with each of the irrigation schemes merged into OWL on company restructuring.
adobe-pdf-logoPolicy Document – K Shares

adobe-pdf-logoPolicy Document – L Shares

adobe-pdf-logoPolicy Document – T Shares